You can contact us by phone, or email:
Phone: (707) 327-2705
Email: [email protected]
Please have the following information available when you are ready to place an order.
CO2 laser power supplies:
Please refer to each product manual before ordering. There are more details in the Product Manuals.
- Model name
- AC input voltage
- Striking voltage
- H.V configuration (see Installation page)
- Maximum H.V current
- Operating voltage at the maximum current
- Option (refer to each product specification)
LD-Drivers & Others:
Please refer to each product manual before ordering. There are more details in the Product Manuals.
- Model name
- AC input voltage
- Output Voltage/Current
- Pulse Width/Pulse rep. rate
- Rise time/Fall time
- QCW power
- Load conditions such as LD voltage, total lead wire inductance
Terms & Conditions
United States & Canada
All prices are F.O.B. Santa Rosa CA 95409. Transportation charges, insurance, and special handling are extra.
Unless otherwise specified, goods will be sent insured UPS prepaid and added to the invoice. Other shipping instruction will be followed upon request.
Net 30 days for approved accounts in good standing. Half down payment for first customers. Credit Cards are not accepted.
All prices are F.O.B. Santa Rosa CA 95409. Forwarding, duties, transportation, insurance, and other applicable fees are extra.
Unless otherwise specified, goods will be sent collect via air insured. Other shipping instruction will be followed upon request.
Available upon request. L/C ( Letter of Credit) or, Half down payment for first customers. Net 30 days for approved accounts in good standing. Credit Cards are not accepted.